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Global Experts in Bio-Containment and Cleanroom Consultancy

Training Workshops

Pertinent high quality workshops achieving staff engagement at all levels ensuring cooperation through appreciation.

aQmen Consulting LLP have developed a number of high quality workshops aimed at all levels of your organisation from managers to operatives promoting awareness, understanding and appreciation of the key factors that will enhance the successful design and efficient operations of your facility.

Knowledge is key at all levels - whether it be designing, building or working within a specialist facility. The decisions taken and actions performed will ultimately impact on your facility.

Our training workshops give your people the information and knowledge they need.

My staff need training that is specific to their needs

aQmen offer a range of customisable training workshops providing pertinent information to anyone in specialist facilities - including architects, main contractors, operators and end users

How will you benefit by using aQmen?

All of our workshops are designed to:-

  • Identify the Key Principles
  • Enhance Knowledge
  • Promote Understanding
  • Develop Appreciation

The benefits of the course include: -

  • Improved understanding of GMP or Bio-Containment disciplines and standards
  • Develop an appreciation of the impact specification and design decisions made at the early stages of a project can have on the Critical environment
  • Increased awareness of interaction between regulation and engineering
  • Gain an understanding of the processes and documentation required and why

The workshops are presented in a relaxed, informal environment and we cover such topics as:

  • Overview of GMP Cleanroom or Bio-Safety standards
  • Construction details and finishes of room envelope
  • Identification and function of HVAC components
  • Design and installation checklist
  • Validation techniques
  • Operator behaviour and disciplines
  • Preparation for audit/ inspection
  • The Route to facility licensing